Condemn. But what?

FOREWORD: The words that follow may seem harsh, but it’s an opinion to which anyone can disagree. I wish to,  however, clarify that I’m not heartless to the atrocities around me. I have friends and acquaintances who belong to different religions and I dearly love them and pray more for their eternal life. However, I choose not to be reactive to media and it’s portrayal of news. Freedom fighters for one are terrorists for the other. Fundamentalists for one are extremists for the other. Genocide for one is survival of the fittest for another. Cold blooded Murder for one is Karma for another. There is always a flip side to the coin. There is no such thing as all good and all evil. Only Angels are all good. And Satan all evil. Man is and will always have a Dr jkle and Mr Hyde.

When Prophet Noah AS asked his Lord, ‘but my son’ and when Prophet Lut AS said ‘but my wife’; when Prophet Abraham asked ‘but my father, my son, my wife’ and when Prophet Muhammad upon him said ‘but my Grandfather’, what was always the reply!? ‘You do not know what I know, leave them as they are. It is only I who can change their hearts, you are just a messenger’.

Yet, we do not hear Hz Noah AS complain, that O lord I’ve served You and have invited ppl to Your religion for more than 900 years, this is just one son I ask for.
We do not hear Hz Lut AS beg that O the Supreme Being I remained chaste when all else around me were sinning, this is my legitimate wife I ask for.
We never hear of Hz Abraham AS reminder his Lord, that O the Almighty the Ultimate – I seeked You, even when no one believed in You. I found You when everyone else was lost. I stood up for You even in the face of death, of alienation of rejection. This is my helpless wife, my infant son; in this fruitless, lifeless desert.
And never have we heard of Hz Muhammad Peace be upon him say that O Allah swt, You say I’m dearest to You. You say that you would crush them between mountains if that be my wish; this is my grandfather. This is the man who stood by me when I was delivering Your message.

Why is it then that we the sinners think that we can argue and insist. That we have the right to question. To question His laws. To question His decisions. To question His people. To question Fate.

Why is it that today we are more worried about how defaming it is that the laws of blasphemy are turning rabid, but none of us seems even a little concerned about the very act of blasphemy? Why are we such an ashamed Ummah? Ashamed of the emotional cult. Impressed with the sophisticated West. Ignorant of our past. Unknown to our own roots and reality. Unable to decipher the purpose of our existence.

Why is it that we seem to blindly be caught in this Web of human rights that sometimes I wonder that we on the day of judgement would stand up and question Allah swt. That Allah swt! How could you just send so many ppl to fire. How could you have created such a horrible, horrifying place. This is cruel! This is brutal! We condemn! We protest! Islam is a religion of peace! So there should be no Hell.

But there is a Heaven. There is a Hell. There is Supreme Authority that demands to be respected. There is a religion which is Only and Alone the right religion. There is just One God. And this is His world.

All else is secondary.
You, Me, and Them, all else is Secondary.

My Pride is in the belief that this world was created For me; my Humility in the reality that it will exist Without me!